Cement; stone, aggregate, etc. It is a building material that allows materials to bond together and hardens when in contact with water. As in every material, different cement types have been obtained by adding different materials in different proportions to show better performance in cement according to the differences in the places of use. According to Turkish standards, they are divided into 5 main headings according to the components and proportions of the materials added to the cement content.

Portland Cement (CEM 1)
Cement containing at least 95% clinker substance is called Portland Cement. Portland cement are the most widely used cement type today. In addition to being used alone, this cement type is also included in the compositions of many other cement types.
The general usage areas of this cement are;
Tall buildings
Prestressed concretes
Viaduct, Underpass and Overpass-like structures
Paving Concretes
Road Coverings
Structures Using Slip-Form System
Tunnel Formwork Applications
Railway Sleepers
Water tanks
Foundation concrete
Portland Composite Cement (CEM 2)
Cem 2 types of cement are divided into 6 separate groups according to the different substances added to their content (such as limestone, silica fume, fly ash, pozzolan, etc.) in addition to the clinker substance in its content.

Portland Slag Cement
If granulated blast furnace slag (S) is added to the cement in addition to the clinker material, this cement is called Portland Slag Cement.
Portland - Silica Fumed Cement
If silica fume is added to the cement in addition to the clinker material (D), this cement is called Portland -Silicone Fumed Cement.

Portland - Cement with Pozzolan
If natural pozzolan (P) or calcined pozzolan (Q) is added to the cement in addition to the clinker material, this cement is also called Portland-Puzolane Cement.
Portland Fly Ash Cement
If silica fly ash (V) or lime fly ash (w) is added to the cement in addition to the clinker material, this cement is also called Portland Fly Ash Cement.

Portland Fired Schist Cement
If cooked sheikh (T) is added to the cement in addition to the clinker material, this type of cement is also called Portland Fired Schist Cement.
Portland Composite Cement
In addition to the clinker material, the cement formed by adding clinker, pozzolan, kiln slag, fly ash, shale, limestone and silica fume in different proportions to the cement is called Portland Composite Cement. It is denoted by the letter M. Although these 6 cement groups have their own advantages and disadvantages, the general usage areas of most of them are as follows;
Concrete or reinforced concrete sewer pipes
Concrete Briquette Making
Construction of Bridges and Viaducts
Tall Buildings
Foundation Concretes
Water Tanks
Wall and Plaster Construction
It is the construction of special project concretes that require higher strength.

Blast Furnace Slag Cement (CEM 3)
Cement type consisting of clinker and granulated blast furnace slag is called Cem 3 cement. As you may remember, we said that Portland-Slag cement, which consists of the sub-headings of Cem 2 cement type, consists of clinker and granulated blast furnace slag. Although the raw materials of both are clinker and furnace slag, the percentage of kiln slag in the composition of Cem 3 cement is high, while the ratio of clinker in the composition of Cem 2 Portland-Slag Cement is higher in percentage. Cem 3 cements are generally used in mass concrete constructions exposed to salty and harmful water, as well as the following usage areas;
Sulphate-containing floors
Treatment plants
Dam etc. buildings
Water channels
Retaining walls
Pipes made of concrete or reinforced concrete
Plaster and masonry mortar
Pozzolanic Cement (CEM4)
It is a type of cement obtained by grinding clinker together with pozzolanic materials and a small amount of gypsum. The purpose of adding gypsum here is to adjust the setting time of the cement. Cem IV cements are divided into 2 groups as a and b groups according to the amount of pozzolanic substance they contain. Those containing 11-35% pozzolanic substance by mass are in group A, while those containing 36-55% pozzolanic substance are in group B. Cem IV cements are generally used in the following areas;
Dam constructions
Construction chemicals
Road pavement concrete
Mass concrete
Water Channels
Plaster and masonry mortar

Composite Cement (CEM 5)
The type of cement obtained by grinding clinker together with slag, pozzolanic material and a small amount of gypsum is called composite cement. The general usage areas of Cem V cement are as follows;
Concrete and reinforced concrete pipes
Reinforced concrete structures
Water Channels
Dam constructions
Road pavement concrete
Plaster and masonry mortar
Water Treatment plants